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Dahil Diwa - Tagalog, Philippines

Dahil [da-hil] (conjunction) because; for the reason that

Diwa [di-wa] (noun) spirit, the soul; the principle of conscious life; the cause of inspiration or energy; the energy of mind or feeling; that which experiences life; courage, vigor, liveliness

A diwata is an energetic and spiritual being of nature or someone who guides and inspires. It could be yourself.

Dahil Diwa | Because Spirit

These two words together defines my purpose. Because of the spirit yearning to thrive in each and every being, I strive to guide and inspire others towards optimal wellness so that they may experience a vibrant life.

Aimée R.

In my time knowing the sweet and energetic Danielle, she has always shown compassion, integrity, and love to all those who enter her life. Her Yoga practice is filled with ease, peacefulness, and acceptance - never leaving anyone feel unseen. Danielle has always encouraged balance and health through her everyday life and has always supported anyone around her who yearned to learn more regarding either subject. She is one of the most genuine, encouraging, and accepting women I have had the privilege to come to know. All my love ❤

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